
In Malaysia, the protection and continuation of intellectual property rights such as trademarks, designs, and patents are essential for maintaining exclusive rights and benefits. These rights are governed by the respective laws and require timely renewals to remain in force. At KASS, we provide comprehensive renewal services to ensure that your intellectual property rights remain protected and enforceable.

What Can Be Protected by Renewal Services?

Intellectual property rights such as trademarks, patents, and industrial designs can be protected through renewal services. These rights grant the owner exclusive control over the use, production, and commercialization of their intellectual property. The timely renewal of these rights ensures continued protection and helps prevent unauthorized use or infringement.

How are Intellectual Property Rights Renewed in Malaysia?

In Malaysia, intellectual property rights must be renewed periodically to remain valid. The process and requirements for renewal vary depending on the type of intellectual property:

  • Trademarks: Protection lasts for ten years from the registration date, with the option for indefinite renewals every ten years. The renewal process involves submitting a renewal application and paying the prescribed fee to the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO).
  • Patents: Protection lasts for 20 years from the filing date, subject to the payment of annual renewal fees. The payment of these fees ensures that the patent remains in force.
  • Industrial Designs: Industrial designs are protected for an initial period of five years, with the possibility of renewal for additional five-year periods up to a maximum of 25 years. Renewal applications must be filed, and fees paid to MyIPO.

Is My Intellectual Property Recognised Overseas?

Malaysia is a member of various international treaties and agreements, such as the Paris Convention and the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). These agreements facilitate the recognition and protection of Malaysian intellectual property rights in other member countries. This international recognition allows for the renewal and enforcement of intellectual property rights beyond local borders.

What Rights Do Owners Have?

Owners of intellectual property rights have the exclusive right to use, license, and enforce their rights against unauthorized use or infringement. By renewing these rights, owners can continue to enjoy these exclusive benefits and take legal action to protect their intellectual property.

Contact Us for Renewal Services

At KASS, we offer a full suite of renewal services to help you maintain and protect your intellectual property rights. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that your renewals are handled efficiently and on time. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with your renewal needs.

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